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Modern technical analysis relies on puterized indicators whose signals are much more objective。 The two main types are trend…following indicators and oscillators。 Trend…following indicators; such as moving averages; Directional System; and MACD (moving average convergence…divergence); help identify trends。 Oscillators; such as Stochastic; Force Index; and Relative Strength Index (RSI) help identify reversals。 It is important to select several indicators from both groups; set their parameters; and stay with them。 Amateurs often misuse technical analysis by looking for indicators that show them what they want to see。
The main tool of technical analysis is neither the pencil nor the puter; but the organ that every analyst is supposed to have between his ears … the brain。 Still; if two technicians are at the same level of development; the one with a puter has an advantage。
Technical analysis is partly a science and partly an art … partly objective and partly subjective。 It relies on puterized methods; but it tracks crowd psychology; which can never be fully objective。 The best model for technical analysis is a public opinion poll。 Pollsters use scientific methods but need psychological flair to design questions and select polling techniques。 Price patterns on our puter screens reveal crowd behavior。 Technical analysis is applied social psychology; the craft of analyzing mass behavior for profit。
Many beginners; overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data; fall into the trap of automatic trading systems。 Their vendors claim to have backtested the best technical tools and put them together into winning systems。 Whenever an excited beginner tells me he is planning to buy an automatic system; I ask him what he does for a living and what would happen if I came to pete with him after buying an automatic decision…making system in his field。 People want to believe in magic; and if that magic can also save them from working and thinking; they gladly pay good money for it。
Successful trading is based on the 3 M’s … Mind; Method; Money。 Technical analysis; no matter how clever; is responsible for only one…third of your success。 You also need to have sound trading psychology and proper money management; as you’ll see later in this book。
WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Edwards and Magee; written in the first half of the twentieth century; is considered the definitive book on classical charting。 Get any edition after 1955; because that was the last major revision of the book。 Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John Murphy offers the most thorough review of modern as well as classical technical analysis。 My first book; Trading for a Living; has large sections on both classical and modern technical analysis。
When to Buy and Sell
The secret of trading is that there is no secret。 There is no magic password to profits。 Beginners keep looking for a gimmick; and plenty of crafty vendors sell them。 In truth; trading is about work … and a bit of flair。 It is no different from any other field of human endeavor。 Whether you do surgery; teach calculus; or fly an airplane; it all boils down to knowing the rules; having the discipline; putting in the work; and having a bit of flair。
An intelligent trader pays attention to fundamentals。 He is aware of the key forces in the economy。 He spends most of his analytic time on technical analysis; working to identify trends and reversals。 Later in this book we will review key technical tools and put together a trading plan。
Markets keep changing; and flexibility is the name of the game。 A brilliant programmer told me recently that he kept losing money but whoever was buying off of his stops must have been profitable because his stops kept nailing the bottoms of declines。 I asked why he didn’t start placing his buy orders where he now placed stops。 He wouldn’t do it because he was too rigid; and for him buy orders were buy orders and stops were stops。 A high level of education can be a handicap in trading。 Brian Monieson; a noted Chicago trader; once said in an interview; “I have a Ph。D。 in mathematics and a background in cybernetics; but I was able to overe those disadvantages and make money。” 
Many professional people are preoccupied with being right。 Engineers believe that everything can be calculated; and doctors believe that if they run enough tests; they’ll e up with the right diagnosis and treatment。 Curing a patient involves a lot more than precision。 It is a running joke how many doctors and lawyers lose money in the markets。 Why? Certainly not for lack of intelligence; but for lack of
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