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up to block my escape no matter which way I turned。

 Someone shouted my name; but I couldn’t hear whose voice it was。 The screaming was too loud。 It hurt 

my head。 The stone wall; oozing silver; slammed into me; and I fell to the floor。 Heavy hands held me 

 “Doc; help!”

 “What’s wrong with her?”

 “Is it having a fit?”

 “What did she see?”

 “Nothing—nothing。 The bodies were covered!”

 That was a lie! The bodies were hideously uncovered; strewn in obscene contortions across the glittering 

table。 Mutilated; dismembered; tortured bodies; ripped into grotesque shreds… 
I had clearly seen the vestigial feelers still attached to the truncated anterior section of a child。 Just a 

child! A baby! A baby thrown haphazardly in maimed pieces across the table smeared with its own 

 My stomach rolled like the walls were rolling; and acid clawed its way up my throat。

 “Wanda? Can you hear me?”

 “Is she conscious?”

 “I think she’s going to throw up。”

 The last voice was right。 Hard hands held my head while the acid in my stomach violently overflowed。

 “What do we do; Doc?”

 “Hold on to her—don’t let her hurt herself。”

 I coughed and squirmed; trying to escape。 My throat cleared。

 “Let me go!” I was finally able to choke out。 The words were garbled。 “Get away from me! Get away; 

you’re monsters! Torturers!”

 I shrieked wordlessly again; twisting against the restraining arms。

 “Calm down; Wanda! Shh! It’s okay!” That was Jared’s voice。 For once; it didn’t matter that it was 



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“She’s hysterical;” Doc told him。 “Hold on。” 
A sharp; stinging blow whipped across my face。 
There was a gasp; far away from the immediate chaos。 
“What are youdoing? ” Ian roared。 
“It’s having a seizure or something; Ian。 Doc’s trying to bring it around。” 
My ears were ringing; but not from the slap。 It was the smell—the smell of the silver blood dripping 

down the walls—the smell of the blood of souls。 The room writhed around me as though it were alive。 
The light twisted into strange patterns; curved into the shapes of monsters from my past。 A Vulture 
unfurled its wings… a claw beast swung its heavy pincers toward my face… Doc smiled and reached for 
me with silver trickling from his fingertips…

 The room spun once more; slowly; and then went black。 
Unconsciousness didn’t claim me for long。 It must have been only seconds later when my head cleared。 I 
was all too lucid; I wished I could stay oblivious longer。

 I was moving; rocking back and forth; and it was too black to see。 Mercifully; the horrible smell had 
faded。 The musty; humid air of the caves was like perfume。 
The feeling of being carried; being cradled; was familiar。 That first week after Kyle had injured me; I’d 

traveled many places in Ian’s arms。 
“。 。 。 thought she’d have guessed what we were up to。 Looks like I was wrong;” Jared was murmuring。 
“You think that’s what happened?” Ian’s voice cut hard in the quiet tunnel。 “That she was scared 

because Doc was trying to take the other souls out? That she was afraid for herself?” 
Jared didn’t answer for a minute。 “You don’t?” 
Ian made a sound in the back of his throat。 “No。 I don’t。 As disgusted asI am that you would bring back 

more… victims for Doc; bring them backnow! —as much as that turns my stomach; that’s not what 
upset her。 How can you be so blind? Can’t you imagine what that must have looked like to her in there?”

 “I know we had the bodies covered before —” 
“Thewrong bodies; Jared。 Oh; I’m sure Wanda would be upset by a human corpse—she’s so gentle; 
violence and death aren’t a part of her normal world。 But think what the things on that table must have 
meant to her。”

 It took him another moment。 “Oh。” 
“Yes。 If you or I had walked in on a human vivisection; with torn body parts; with blood splattered on 
everything; it wouldn’t have been as bad for us as it was for her。 We’d have seen it all before—even 
before the invasion; in horror movies; at least。 I’d bet she’s never been exposed to anything like that in all 


 I was getting sick again。 His words were bringing it back。 The sight。 The smell。

 “Let me go;” I whispered。 “Put me down。”

 “I didn’t mean to wake you。 I’m sorry。” The last words were fervent; apologizing for more than waking 


 “Let me go。”

 “You’re not well。 I’ll take you to your room。”

 “No。 Put me down now。”

 “Wanda —”

 “Now!” I shouted。 I shoved against Ian’s chest; kicking my legs free at the same time。 The ferocity of 

my struggle surprised him。 He lost his hold on me; and I half fell into a crouch on the floor。

 I sprang up from the crouch running。


 “Let her go。”

 “Don’t touch me! Wanda; e back!”

 It sounded like they were wrestling behind me; but I didn’t slow。 Of course they were fighting。 They 

were humans。 Violence was pleasure to them。

 I didn’t pause when I was back in the light。 I sprinted through the big cavern without looking at any of 
the monsters there。 I could feel their eyes on me; and I didn’t care。

 I didn’t care where I was going; either。 Just somewhere I could be alone。 I avoided the tunnels that had 
people near them; running down the first empty one I could find。

 It was the eastern tunnel。 This was the second time I’d sprinted through this corridor today。 Last time in 
joy; this time in horror。 It was hard to remember how I’d felt this afternoon; knowing the raiders were 

home。 Everything was dark and gruesome now; including their return。 The very stones seemed evil。

 This way was the right choice for me; though。 No one had any reason to e here; and it was empty。

 I ran to the farthest end of the tunnel; into the deep night of the empty game room。 Could I really have 

played games with them such a short time ago? Believed the smiles on their faces; not seeing the beasts 


 I moved forward until I stumbled ankle deep into the oily waters of the dark spring。 I backed away; my 
hand outstretched; searching for a wall。 When I found a rough ridge of stone—sharp…edged beneath my 
fingers—I turned into the depression behind the protrusion and curled myself into a tight ball on the 
ground there。 


 GET OUT OF MY HEAD!I shrieked。

 As I thrust her away from me—gagged her so that I wouldn’t have to bear her justifications—I realized 
how weak she’d grown in all these months of friendliness。 How much I’d been allowing。 Encouraging。

 It was almost too easy to silence her。 As easy as it should have been from the beginning。

 It was only me now。 Just me; and the pain and the horror that I would never escape。 I would nevernot 
have that image in my head again。 I would never be free of it。 It was forever a part of me。

 I didn’t know how to mourn here。 I could not mourn in human ways for these lost souls whose names I 
would never know。 For the broken child on the table。

 I had never had to mourn on the Origin。 I didn’t know how it
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