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 “Fine; Jeb;” I gasped。 My voice was breathy; strained。 I was surprised at how bad it sounded。

 The Seeker’s dark eyes flickered between us; unsure。 Then she recoiled from me; cringing into the wall。 
I recognized the pose—remembered exactly how it felt to hold it。

 A gentle hand came down on my shoulder and spun me around。

 “What’s going on with you; hon?” Jeb asked。

 “I need a minute;” I told him breathlessly。 I looked straight into his faded…denim eyes and told him 
something that was most definitely not a lie。 “I have one more question。 But I really need a minute to 
myself。 Can you… wait for me?” 


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I nodded and walked as quickly as I could from the prison。 My legs were stiff with terror at first; but I 

found my stride as I moved。 By the time I passed Aaron and Brandt; I was almost running。 
“What happened?” I heard Aaron whisper to Brandt; his voice bewildered。 
I wasn’t sure where to hide while I thought。 My feet; like a shuttle on automatic pilot; took me through 

the corridors toward my sleeping room。 I could only hope that it would be empty。

 It was dark; barely any light from the stars trickling down through the cracked ceiling。 I didn’t see Lily till 
I tripped over her in the darkness。 
I almost didn’t recognize her tear…swollen face。 She was curled into a tight; tiny ball on the floor in the 

middle of the passageway。 Her eyes were wide; not quite prehending who I was。 
“Why?” she asked me。 
I stared at her wordlessly。 
“I said that life and love go on。 Butwhy do they? They shouldn’t。 Not anymore。 What’s the point?” 
“I don’t know; Lily。 I’m not sure what the point is。” 
“Why?” she asked again; not speaking to me anymore。 Her glassy eyes looked right through me。 
I stepped carefully past her and hurried to my room。 I had my own question that had to be answered。 
To my great relief; the room was empty。 I threw myself facedown on the mattress where Jamie and I 

When I’d told Jeb I had one more question; that was the truth。 But the question was not for the Seeker。 

The question was for me。 
The question was would I—notcould I—do it? 
Icould save the Seeker’s life。 I knew how。 It would not endanger any of the lives here。 Except my own。 

I would have to trade that。 
No。Melanie tried to be firm through her panic。 
Please let me think。 
This is the thing; Mel。 It’s inevitable anyway。 I can see that now。 I should have seen it long ago。 

It’s so obvious。 
No; it isn’t。

 I remembered our conversation when Jamie was ill。 When we were making up。 I’d told her that I 


 It wasn’t so much a lie as it was an unfinished sentence。 I couldn’t give her more than that—and stay 
alive myself。

 The actual lie had been given to Jared。 I’d told him; just seconds later; that I didn’t know how to make 
myself not exist。 In the context of our discussion; it was true。 I didn’t know how to fade away; here inside 
Melanie。 But I was surprised I hadn’t heard the obvious lie right then; hadn’t seen in that moment what I 
was seeing now。 Of course I knew how to make myself not exist。

 It was just that I had never considered that option viable; ultimate betrayal that it was to every soul on 
this planet。

 Once the humans knew that I had this answer; the one they had murdered for over and over again; it 
would cost me。

 No; Wanda!

 Don’t you want to be free?

 A long pause。

 I wouldn’t ask you for this;she finally said。And I wouldn’t do it for you。 And I sure as hell wouldn’t 

do it for the Seeker!

 You don’t have to ask。 I think I might have volunteered… eventually。

 Why do you think that?she demanded; her tone close to a sob。 It touched me。 I expected her to be 


 In part because of them。 Jared and Jamie。 I can give them the whole world; everything they want。 
I can give themyou。I probably would have realized that… someday。 Who knows? Maybe Jared 
would have asked。 You know I wouldn’t have said no。

 Ian’s right。 You’re too self…sacrificing。 You don’t have any limits。 You need limits; Wanda!

 Ah; Ian;I moaned。 A new pain twisted through me; surprisingly close to my heart。

 You’ll take the whole world away from him。 Everything he wants。

 It would never work with Ian。 Not in this body; even though he loves it。 It doesn’t love him。

 Wanda; I…Melanie struggled for words。 Still; the joy I expected from her did not e。 Again; this 
touched me。I don’t think I can let you do this。 You’re more important than that。 In the bigger 
picture; you are of much more value to them than I am。 You can help them; you can save them。 I 
can’t do any of that。 You have to stay。

 I can’t see any other way; Mel。 I wonder how I didn’t see it sooner。 It seems so pletely 
obvious。Of courseI have to go。Of courseI have to give you yourself back。 I already knew we souls 
were wrong to e here。 So I don’t have any choice now but to do the right thing; and leave。 
You all survived without me before; you’ll do it again。 You’ve learned so much about the souls 


 No; Wanda; no。

 She was crying; being incoherent。 Her sorrow brought tears to my eyes。 I’d no idea that she cared 
so much for me。 Almost as much as I cared for her。 I hadn’t realized that we loved each other。

 Even if Jared had never asked me for this; even if Jared did not exist… Once this path had occurred to 
me; I would have had to proceed down it。 I loved her that much。

 No wonder the success rate for resistant hosts was so low here on Earth。 Once we learned to love our 
human host; what hope did we souls have? We could not exist at the expense of one we loved。 Not a 
soul。 A soul could not live that way。

 I rolled myself over and; in the starlight; I looked at my body。

 My hands were dirty and scratched; but under the surface blemishes; they were beautiful。 The skin was 
a pretty sun…browned color; even bleached in the pale light; it was pretty。 The nails were chewed short 
but still healthy and smooth; with little half moons of white at the bases。 I fluttered my fingers; watching 
the muscles pull the bones in graceful patterns。 I let them dance above me; where they became black fluid 
shapes against the stars。

 I ran them through my hair。 It was almost to my shoulders now。 Mel would like that。 After a few weeks 
of shampoo in hotel showers and Health vitamins; it was glossy and soft again。

 I stretched my arms out as far as they would go; tugging against the tendons until some of my joints 
cracked。 My arms felt strong。 They could pull me up a mountainside; they could carry a heavy load; they 
could plow a field。 But they were also soft。 They could hold a child; they could fort a friend; they 
could love… but that was not for me。

 I took a deep breath; and tears welled out of the corners of my eyes and rolled down my temples into 
my hair。

 I tensed the muscles in my legs; felt their ready strength and speed。 I wanted to run; to have an open 
field that I could race across just to see how fast I could go。 I wanted to do this barefoot; so I could feel 
the earth beneath m
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