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derably more attractive it wore me out at 6:00 just as my helm watch started。 I got it out of the water and thought it was over。 He was resting with one eye closed。 The thing thrashed and bucked around like a Glaswegian being dragged from the bar and damn near broke my arm。 A long story cut short into steaks for those shadow people who don’t appreciate the fine art of fishing; the Mahi Mahi fed fourteen on a happy catamaran that very night。 A la plancha with a little salt。 Then it fed five more the day after in a cerviche; a fitting end。
  So we were off with a bang。 Since then it has been all good; very; very good。 The gourmet tour of Baleares island spinning continues with good; good people ing and leaving the boat and lots of good; good food。 We had a lot of baby chefs this year; great。 I had a week shore leave with me mom and dad。 Crunching wild onion bulbs; sniffing the Romero bushes and fighting mad goats。 More crossings more islands。 More outrageous sailing; good fun and the turquoise Menorcan special sub; at anchor over 8 meters of crystal on white sand; try staying out; just try。 More shore leave in an Ibizan finca。 A three hundred year old farmhouse with the typical white cubic forms of the island。 Grown organically over the years to fit the land and the needs of the expanding family; you couldn’t design it; you’d need to grow it。 Hippy hang out with hammocks and marijuana the most widely accessible features。 More goats。 More sailing。
  More shore leave。 Back to Menorca; the Phoenicians never had it this good I bet。 This time to spend six days hiking the Cami de Cavals which according to the map is a horse trails of great and noble antiquity that the Menorcans used to defend their wee island from those Phoenicians。 Not anymore。 They drive Volkswagen Golfs and Seat Leons now。 They have horses but they are strictly for high days and holidays。  The trail is purely for the goats now。 Goats and outsiders with tourist’s maps and tennis shoes。 The goats’ revenge。 Goats don’t do straight lines; they make maps of the brain; in constant craving of having a brain worth bragging about。 Not easy; if you consider hiking the Cami de Cavals speak to me first; don’t listen to the goats or any Menorcan fisherman。 Six days and five nights got me to the last piece of the trail; between Punta Nati and Cuitadella。 Past the impenetrable forest; through the thistle jungle; over the vulture’s mountain and down the ravines full of kestrels。 Then it was my birthday。
  The last part of the north coast; providing you are going from Mahon to Cuitadella and not the other way; has no trees。 The full whack of the Tramuntana wind thumps through and between it and the damn goats; nothing grows over ten inches。 The last four nights I’d been swinging happily in a night time hammock between pines and cork oaks。 One of our guest cooks; Tom; is an “extreme through hiker”; I’m more your extremely scratched up and thoroughly knackered hiker by this time。 Anyway; he lent me his whizzo hammock with mosquito net and fly sheet attached and it was my bed。 But I need trees and need rest。 The last night was also my birthday; did I mention that already? Maybe。 Determined to eat my tuna and tortilla sandwiches; tin of sardines and bag of potato crisps; standard Spanish hikers’ fare and watch the sunset; I figure out how someone could sling a hammock with no trees。 I found my place in a ravine full of kestrels。 The rocks had the answer。 Full of volcanic bubbles of gas long gone; I threaded the strings from one side of the barranco to the other。 After a fair to middling degree of hippy happy induced paranoia about crashing to the rocks below; spent my birthday swinging in a ravine looking out west over the Mediterranean。 Handy for spotting Turks。
  Forty Four。 Two numbers fours。 In Mandarin; “si si”。 The Chinese don’t care for the number four。 They go to great lengths to avoid phone numbers that include it; pay a fortune for car number plates that are four…less and would never consider putting a number four; fourteen or twenty fourth floor in their buildings。 The Mandarin for four sounds exactly like the Mandarin for die。 Forty four; double trouble; double die。 Yikes。 So; tempting bitter fate I’d survived my double die first night swinging from the rocks in a ravine full of kestrels; menos mal。
  More sailing…。。
   Take care; enjoy; love Kerry XX

作者:漏屋 日期:2007…09…27 12:26
  语种           性别          年龄         平均频率(赫兹)
  德语           男                         129 
  德语           女                         238
  法语           男           20…61         145
  法语           女           19…72         226
  英语           男                         127
  英语           女                         186
  中文(普通话) 男           30…50         108
  中文(普通话) 女           30…50         184
  瑞典语         男           21…70         110
  瑞典语         女           21…70         193
      英语是一个许多国家普遍使用的语言,并没有一个标准和正统的问题。中文有普通话,但英文中没有这个概念。有人曾提出过General British English; General American English的概念,但并没有统一标准。后因音电视电影媒体的发达,可以认为电视播音的发音算比较得到认可的吧。尽管不同国家和地区英语发音有所不同,但发音区别并不大,互相交流一般没有障碍。相比而言,中国不同地区间的口音差别要比不同国家间英语口音的差别要大很多。至于不同国家英语语言的使用形式和内容,则更加一致。只有极个别日常生活中物品的叫法有所不同,比如地铁(underground/subway)等,数量极其少。
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