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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第章

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ad been eager to accept this particular contract; anyway。 The rich reward of helping the dark elves destroy themselves paled only slightly in parison to the payment itself。 Those among Clan Xornbane who survived would receive larger shares for this work than for their last four contracts bined。 It was well worth the loss of troops; especially among the lesser races of the front ranks。
   By the Abyss; Khorrl thought。 I might even consider retirement when we're through here。
   〃We will do what we're paid to do。 You know our reputation;〃 the duergar said; affectionately running his hand along the handle of his doubleaxe。 〃Though I would feel a lot more confident if I knew for sure that your priestesses won't suddenly find themselves kissed by the spider queen in the middle of the fight。 It would be our downfall) and yours too; most likely。〃
   Zammzt spread his hands in a placating gesture。
   〃That is a risk; to be sure;〃 he said; almost…almost…sounding apologetic。 〃But the opportunity for my mistress and her co…conspirators is worth it。 Rest assured; you will not be forgotten in this。 She looks forward to the moment when she can thank you from her new position as one of the highest…ranking matron mothers in the city。〃
   Khorrl nodded one last time and prepared to depart。
   〃Very well; then;〃 he said。 〃We will be waiting for the first payment。 The schedule is set。〃
   He rose; pulling his doubleaxe up beside him。 Before he slid the partition open; he turned to look back at the dark elf; who seemed content to stay a while and finish his drink。 Khorrl caught the drow's gaze and held it。
   〃We're mitted now;〃 the gray dwarf said。 〃There's no turning back。 Blood will flow in Ched Nasad。 Mark my words。〃
   Spinning; Pharaun summoned his magical rapier from the ring into one hand; and clasped his piwafwi closed with the other; before he was pletely turned around。 As he pivoted into a defensive stance; releasing the rapier to dance in the air before him; he reached into the 。 pockets of his piwafwi; selecting by memory and feel the ponents he needed to weave a certain incantation。
   Perhaps a dozen steps from Pharaun; a shimmering blue doorway; similar to the extradimensional portal he was fond of using himself; was just closing; winking out of existence。 The lovely creature he had spotted briefly during the rather one…sided battle with the tanarukks stood just in front of it; her smile accenting her arched eyebrows as she regarded him; arms folded casually beneath her prominent breasts。 In particular; she seemed to find his floating; weaving rapier of interest。
   〃I'm sorry; did I startle you?〃 she purred; and Pharaun found her voice to be delightfully throaty。
   〃Oh; it's quite all right;〃 the mage replied; eyeing the she…fiend from head to toe。 She was dressed in tight; black; form…fitting leather; and while thigh…high boots and a corset seemed far from practical as travel…wear to the drow; he had to appreciate the effectiveness of the ensemble。
   It pliments her wings so well; he decided。
   〃I wondered when you'd show up again;〃 Pharaun said; noting with his second sweeping gaze the numerous daggers protruding from her belt and the tops of her boots。 An enchanted ring he wore enabled him to determine that one of those daggers was obviously magical; as well as the long sword strapped to her right thigh。 A ring adorning her left finger also caught his attention; for it radiated a strong protective dweomer。
   〃So you've been expecting me。 How delightful!〃 she said; sauntering languidly over to a section of the balcony and sitting; leaning back and resting on her hands as she brought one long leg up to prop it on the railing。 She appeared to ignore the fact that the rapier danced along as she relocated; keeping itself between her and the mage。 〃It ruins my grand entrance a bit; I suppose; but then again; I doubt you're terribly impressed with parlor tricks like mine。〃
   〃On the contrary;〃 Pharaun replied; moving to take a seat a few paces away but maintaining the position of the rapier between the two of them。 〃I am always delighted to make the acquaintance of a fellow practitioner。 You can't imagine how dull and dreary it can be; traveling with unimaginative panions who can't appreciate the difference between a divination and an evocation。〃
   He swept his arm out over the side in the general direction of the other drow; who were far below him and well out of earshot。
   Despite his casual manner; the mage was on edge and quite wary。 He was sure the alu…fiend was sizing him up just as critically as he was her; and he considered everything carefully before opening his mouth。 He certainly didn't want to reveal something that could get him into trouble with her later。 Nonetheless; he was fairly sure she already knew where the rest of his panions were; and pointing out their positions lower in the cavern was not giving away too big a secret。
   〃Don't be too sure;〃 she said; absently toying with the lacing that ran up the side of her corset; 〃I can imagine your predicament quite well。 You forget the crowd I normally run with。 They can't appreciate much beyond the next chance they'll get to eat or rut; much less the intricacies involved in spinning a good spell。 What's a girl to do?〃
   When she finished; she gave Pharaun what he assumed must be one of her best pouts。
   〃Yes; I can see your point;〃 the wizard said; chuckling。 〃It can't be much of a choice 。 。 。 rutting with the males; or seeking out a little more refined entertainment。 I can't blame you for slipping away from them for a while。〃
   〃Oh; I never stray too far away from them;〃 the demon said; looking at the wizard levelly。 〃One or the other of us might get into trouble。〃
   Pharaun nodded slightly; acknowledging the hint。 Still; he couldn't help but grin; delighted as he was to be able to engage in such clever innuendo。 It was another thing he missed since taking his leave of Menzoberranzan。 It wasn't just that most drow displayed a total absence of humor; his panions seemed even more staid than usual; though given the circumstances that wasn't totally unexpected。 Still; they were a tight…lipped lot。
   Quenthel was clinging too fiercely to the mantle of leadership to spend time mentally sparring with the wizard; Faeryl said very little at all; Valas was hardly in the same vicinity; and Jeggred's discussions had a marked singularity of topic to them。 Pharaun had long since grown tired of hearing of the draegloth's desires to rend his foes in one messy way or another。 Ryld had always been more willing to converse with him than most; but even the warrior had been pointedly taciturn for most of the journey。 With the exception of a few brief discussions regarding Quenthel's heavy…handed methods; they had simply stopped the banter that had always marked the friendship between them。
   It wasn't as though Ryld wouldn't talk to him; Pharaun admitted to himself; but things definitely weren't the same as before。
   Before I left him to his death during the insurrection; the mage concluded; inwardly sighing。
   Ryld had accepted the wizard's ap
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