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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第章

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   〃It should be obvious to each of you;〃 Zammzt continued; 〃that once our House approaches outsiders; there is no turning back。 We would be pletely mitted; with or without your pledge of alliance。 That; my charming panions; is putting the cart before the lizard;〃
   〃Nonetheless;〃 Eliss'pra answered; still smiling as she gazed on the scrolls in her hands; 〃that is precisely what you must do If you wish to count my aunt among your allies。〃
   〃Yes;〃 Dylsinae agreed。
   Nadal nodded his concurrence。
   〃I think my mother would be willing to accept those terms。 Especially after she sees these;〃 Quorlana voiced her assent; then gestured at the scrolls tucked away in her piwajwi。 〃Most definitely if there are more where these came from。〃
   How in the Underdark do they have precious scrolls to spare? she wondered。
   Zammzt frowned and said; 〃I am not promising anything。 I very much doubt that I can convince her to agree to this; but if she is willing; I will procure the services of the mercenaries and bring you the proof。〃
   No one spoke。 They were all one step away from the point of no return; and despite the fact that none of them were actually in a position to make the decision; they felt the weight of that decision just as heavily。
   〃Then we will meet again after you have hired the army;〃 Eliss'pra said; rising from her couch。 〃Until then; I don't wish to see any of you near me; not even on the same web street。〃
   Gripping her mace tightly; the drow priestess stalked out of the private lounge。
   One by one; the others also departed; even Zammzt; until Quorlana was alone in the room。
   Our time has e; the drow insisted silently。 Lolth has issued a challenge。 The great Houses of Ched Nasad will fall; and ours will rise up to take their place。 Our time has e at last。
   Aliisza was so used to the tanarukks' constant grunting; snarling; and slavering that she rarely heard it anymore; so the quiet that surrounded her as she strode alone along the dwarven thoroughfare was noticeable。 Being out and about in ancient Ammarindar without an escort of the half…fiend; half…ore hordes was a refreshing change。 Kaanyr rarely asked her to…she refused to say 〃let〃…do anything without an armed escort anymore; so she had almost forgotten how pleasant solitude really was。 Still; as much as she was enjoying her privacy; however brief it might be; she had a purpose; and it quickened her steps。
   She moved to the end of a long and broad boulevard; which had been hewn by long…dead dwarves from the unmarred bedrock of the Underdark itself eons ago。 Though she barely noticed it; the craftsmanship of the wide passageway was exquisite。 Every angle was perfect; every column and cornice was thick and finely decorated with runes and stylized images of the stout folk。 At the terminus of the boulevard; Aliisza entered a large chamber; which itself was large enough to have engulfed a small surface town。 She turned into a side tunnel that would allow her to cut across several main passages and reach the avenue that would take her directly to Kaanyr's palace; deep in the center of the old city。 It still surprised her how empty the city could be; even with all of the Sceptered One's Scourged Legions roaming around。 She crossed the avenues and found the path she wanted; then hurried toward the palace。
       A pair of tanarukk guards flanked the doorway into the throne room。 The stocky; gray…green humanoids were hunched over as usual; their prominent tusks jutting forward defiantly from overly large lower jaws as they peered at her with their squinty red eyes。 To Aliisza; it almost appeared that the two beasts were preparing to charge forward and ram her with their low; sloping foreheads。 Aliisza knew that with her magic the scalelike ridges protruding from atop those foreheads were no threat to her; but still the creatures seemed uncertain of who she was; for they kept their battle…axes crossed before the opening as she approached。 Finally; just before it seemed that she was actually going to have to slow her pace and say something… which would have made her very cross…the two coarse…haired; nearly naked beasts stepped aside and allowed her to enter without breaking her stride。 She smiled to herself; wondering how much fun it would have been to flay them alive。
   Passing through several outer chambers; Aliisza crossed the threshold into the throne room itself and spied the marquis cambion lounging on his throne; a great; hideous chair constructed of the bones of his enemies。 Every time she saw the thing; she was reminded of how crass it was。 She knew too many fiends who considered sitting atop a pile of bones to be some sort of symbol of power and glory; but in her opinion; it exhibited no class; no subtlety。 It was Kaanyr Vhok's single biggest lack of vision。
   Kaanyr had thrown one leg over the armrest of the throne and sat with his chin resting in his cupped hand; elbow against his knee。 He was staring off into the upper reaches of the chamber; obviously thinking and oblivious to her。
   Aliisza almost unconsciously began to saunter provocatively as she closed the distance between them; and yet she found that she was admiring his form as much as she hoped he was appreciating hers。 His graying hair was roguishly disheveled and; bined with his swept…back ears; gave him the appearance of a maturing; if somewhat devil…may…care; half…elf。 Aliisza crooked her mouth in a sly smile; thinking of him engaging in the many subterfuges he was so fond of; passing himself off on the surface world as a member of that fair race。
   Kaanyr finally heard his consort's footsteps and looked up at her; his features brightening; though whether it was simply for the sight of her or the news she bore; she was not sure。 She reached the first steps of the dais and climbed to where he sat; allowing just a hint of a pout to creep into her visage。
   〃Ah; my delectable one; you've e; and with news; I hope?〃 Kaanyr asked; straightening himself and patting his thigh。
   Aliisza stuck out her tongue at him and sashayed the remaining distance to plop herself down atop his lap。
   〃You never just ravish me anymore; Kaanyr;〃 she pretended to plain; wriggling her backside as she settled。 〃You only love me for the work I do for you。〃
   〃Oh; that's not fair; little one;〃 Vhok replied; running his hand lovingly down one of her black; shiny leather wings。 〃Nor is it particularly true。〃
   With that; he reached up with his other hand; and placing it behind her lustrous black curls; crushed her to him; engaging her mouth with his own in a deep; spine…tingling kiss。 For the briefest of moments she considered resisting him; playing one of the infinite variations of the games the two of them seemed to love so much; but the thought was short…lived。 His hand strayed down her throat to the hollow of her neck; and it continued lower still。 She practically buzzed at his touch; and she knew that with the news she brought him; such flirtations would only break the spell。
   As It was; Kaanyr still pulled away after a moment's heated embrace and said; 〃Enough。 Tell me what you found out
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