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Hand…sliced deli products … Your deli items are sliced to order。 Our top quality deli meats include Boar's Head brand products。
Freshly…made baked goods … Enjoy a wide selection of baked goods including 15 Finagle A Bagel flavors and a selection of specialty cakes from Alden Merrell Bakery。
Popular baby foods; formulas and diapers … We carry only the best products for your baby。
Hand…prepared meals … As good as homemade! Every week you can choose from a menu of hand…prepared meals。 Our wide selection of entrees and side dishes helps make dinnertime delicious and easy。
Top…quality health and beauty supplies … Streamline is your source for health and beauty care products for the whole family; from shampoo and bath bubbles to cold remedies and cough drops。
Specialty pet foods … Stop lugging those bags around! We carry the top brand name pet products including Iams; Science Diet; Eukanuba and Nutro products。
Blockbuster? videos and video games … The latest releases and recent hits are yours for the week。 Our video game selection features the latest titles for Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation systems。 And thanks to Streamline; you save on late fees。
Expert dry cleaning … Enjoy the convenience of top quality dry cleaning and shirt laundering service at competitive prices; delivered right to your door every week。
Seasonal items … Firewood; charcoal and specialty holiday items are just a few examples of products we have available in our seasonal items offering。 
Kodak Premium Film and Processing … We offer a full range of processing services including Advanced Photo System and digital processing。
Postage Stamps and UPS package pick…up … No more waiting in line。 Just leave your holiday shipping and catalog returns to us … we'll pick up your outgoing packages。 
Bottle and can redemption … Stop hoarding them in your garage。 We automatically credit your account for all of your 5 cent redeemables that we pick up at your home。 
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does your service cost?
A: There is a flat fee of 30 a month。 There's no tipping or delivery charge added to your bill。 There is no minimum order and no contract to sign。
Q: Can I get all my favorite brands and products from Streamline?
A: Absolutely。 Streamline carries all of the most popular items; including the same high quality brands found at major supermarkets; and we're always adding to our selection。
Q: What's the catch?
A: There's no catch。 There are no hidden costs。 By simplifying the distribution process; we can efficiently buy and deliver top quality products to your door for one low monthly fee。
Q: Do I have to pay for the refrigerator? The shelving? The keypad?
A: No。 They're yours to use … free … as long as you're a Streamline customer。
Q: Do you have sales and special promotions?
A: Of course。 While Streamline's everyday prices are competitive with local supermarkets; we also offer weekly specials and sale items on many of your favorite products … discounts you won't have to hunt for in the aisles of your market。
Q: Can I order online?
A: Online is the easiest and most efficient way for you to order from Streamline; but we can also take your orders over the telephone or by fax。
Q: Where do your products come from?
A: For some items; such as dry goods; we use the same suppliers as your supermarket。 For others; such as meat; produce; baked goods and seafood; we hand…select the best products from our local sources to ensure freshness and quality。
Q: How fresh are your produce and meats?
A: Fresher than most grocery stores。 Our top quality meat and produce providers deliver to our facility daily。 We control our perishables and store them under optimal conditions。 They're delivered to your home in refrigerated trucks; with minimal handling。
Q: Do you guarantee your products?
A: All our products come with a 100% guarantee。 If you're not satisfied for any reason; we'll provide you with a full credit; no questions asked。
Q: Is the ordering process easy?
A: Yes; it is。 The entire ordering process takes about 15 to 20 minutes a week。 We work with you to make ordering easy; and we have friendly; attentive representatives ready to answer 。
The End
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 'fish1'本文档是从各种途径节选的二月份后的材料片断。说明:粗题字表示是俚语或生词 粗题倾斜 字是短语或固定用法 反白是推荐背诵。加@表示重要。文档中如果有将近一页内容可背诵者首部用标题五以利查找。文档正文用小五号字;打印时注意调整字体。有声资料存放在”D驱动器已复习目录”中。 'fish2'网民? 'fish3'此词用法很广;在后面Oscar;I have a dream均有例句 'fish4'嘻嘻嘻;I love you; my baby…dew。according to my abilities for you。 'fish5' rave about by 为…倾倒 'fish6'inanimate 和 animate 发音不同。  'fish7'不管;不顾 'fish8'无法翻译;以后可以经常用;相信比较地道。 'fish9'哈哈trimma 居然有一种变态鱼carp鲤鱼/crucian鲫鱼/chub鲢鱼/eel鳗鱼/herring 鲱/mullet 乌鱼/perch 鲈鱼pike梭子鱼/salmon鲑鱼/trout 鳟鱼/anglerfish安康鱼/cod 鳕鱼/hake无须鳕/mackerel鲐/plaice 鲽surmullet羊鱼/ray鳐鱼/sardine沙丁鱼/sailfish旗鱼/sea bream海鲷/shark鲨鱼/tunny; tuna金枪鱼
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