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emotional programming that makes me upset when I experience certain things
in cities。” In other words; you must stop telling yourself that the reason for
your uptightness and unhappiness is “out there”  when the truth of the
matter is that it is simply your inside programming that continually keeps you
uptight。 When you have reprogrammed the addiction; then you can choose to
put your energy into changing things in the most effective way  and stop
putting energy into things which you cannot change。
What you feelingly tell yourself at this crucial time when you are emotionally
upset is vital in programming。 You could program yourself to hate everyone
by repeatedly telling yourself when you are upset; “Everyone is out to get
me。” You can program this in your mind so tightly that it will alter your
perception of everyone you see。 If you want to love people; you can use this
opportunity to put in “love programming。” Just tell yourself; “I’m tired of
being outside of it all。 I want to learn to love everyone  no more duality and
separateness for me。 I’ve got to learn how to love unconditionally  without
When people are emotionally upset and they continually tell themselves
alienating things; they program themselves directly into neurosis or psychosis。
When you are emotionally upset and use this opportunity to program yourself
with the positive ways of Living Love; you wipe out vulnerabilities you
programmed in the past。
To summarize: when you are upset; it is vital that you be extremely precise in
putting the blame for your unhappiness exactly where it belongs。 Your
problems are not in the outside world。 They are an interaction between your
inside programming and the here and now realities of your body; mind; and
the people and situations outside you。 Since the outside realities are only
minimally changeable by you; your happiness depends on your concentrating
on changing what you can change  your emotional programming that
automatically makes you uptight when the world does not live up to your
expectations。 Seize every moment of anger; resentment; worry; frustration;
anxiety; jealousy; or fear as a precious opportunity to start talking straight to
yourself; so that you will no longer get uptight no matter what happens in the
world around you。
Find the phrases and thoughts that generate the strongest emotions
when you are upset。
If you wish to use the Method of Consciousness Focusing to get free for your
lifetime from an addictive program; it is important to search for all of the
phrases and thoughts that intensify your turbulent feelings。 Force yourself to
experience your emotions in the strongest way。 Tell yourself; for example;
“I’m sick and tired of getting angry all the time。 It’s hell to be an automatic
robot that stupidly triggers these silly emotional binges。 I want to be free of
all this idiocy。 It’s silly for me to be smothered by all this。”
Be specific。 For example; if jealousy is your problem; tell yourself; “I don’t
want to be trapped in jealous feelings ever again。” Get into the trapped
feeling and keep hunting for phrases that trigger strong feelings。 When you
find a phrase that intensifies your feelings and makes you cry; keep repeating
it over and over until it no longer brings a response。 Find other phrases and
wear them out。 Then go back to test again their ability to trigger strong
Remember; you must really want to do it。 When you reprogram; don’t
hesitate to yell to yourself; to beat a pillow; to clench your fists and teeth; to
pound on a bed or table; or do anything else that gives notice to your ego and
your rational mind that you are firmly determined to change your
programming。 Remember that many of these addictions have been operating
in your bioputer for ten; twenty; thirty or more years; and it is going to
take a lot of determination and work on your part to get them reprogrammed
so that you are no longer automatically irritated by certain situations。
It is important to use reprogramming phrases which “feel right” to you。
Reprogramming phrases should represent new insights you have gained while
examining yourself and the situation which you found upsetting。 By using the
Pathways or the Centers of Consciousness; you may e to realize; for
instance; that being criticized is not really a threat to you or harmful in any
way。 You may begin to perceive criticism as valuable feed back which may
help you improve your performance。 To reinforce this new attitude toward
criticism and make it a permanent part of your programming; it is valuable to
reprogram yourself with such phrases as “Criticism is really useful; not
harmful” or “I can wele criticism” or “I don’t need to get defensive
when someone criticizes me。”
If you use reprogramming phrases that don’t “feel right” or that you do not
consciously believe; you may find yourself experiencing increased resistance
as you use the phrase。 Instead of feeling relieved; free; and more confident as
you reprogram yourself; you may feel increasingly tense and upset。 If so; it is
best to listen to the arguments your mind is ing up with in opposition to
the reprogramming phrase and use the other methods or repeat the procedure
on pages 98 and 99 (A LIFE SAVER) to get additional insights。 It may be
you are not ready to drop a certain demand。 You might change the
reprogramming phrase slightly into one that feels more appropriate to you。
thus if “I don’t have to have a lover” doesn’t feel right; you might try “I don’t
need so…and…so to be happy” or “I don’t need to feel hurt when I’m not with
Don’t get ahead of yourself into a phony space。 Wait until you really feel
ready to drop a demand or an unconstructive way of reacting to a situation。
When you realize you don’t really need something you thought you needed;
you will find it easier to drop the addictive demand for it。 When you have
clearly seen the absurdity of your old programming; effective reprogramming
phrases will spontaneously e to you。
Here are some sample reprogramming instructions to your bioputer that
you might find helpful:
“Life is my teacher。”
“I am not my addictive programming。”
“I am lovable。”
“I am the master of my life。”
“I don’t need to control people。”
“I can accept what is。”
“I don’t need other people’s approval。”
“It’s okay to make a mistake。”
“It’s okay to be me。”
“I don’t need to hide。”
“I have nothing to fear。”
“I can let go and just be。”
“I love myself。”
“It’s okay to make a fool of myself in public。”
“Rational mind  stop sending me that stuff。”
“I am enough。”
“I accept my here and now。”
“I don’t have to reject myself when I (whichever applies) am angry; make a
mistake; feel jealous; am not loving。”
“It’s OK to be right where I am。”
“I am getting free。”
“I don’t have to be a robot。”
“I don’t have to be uptight when this happens。”
“I don’t have to get caught up in his/her programming。”
“I can love him/her just the way he/she is。”
“It’s all US。”
“I don’t need (whichever applies) outside acceptance; approval; respect; love;
special attention; romantic love;
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