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special attention; romantic love; close relationships; to control; to manipulate;
to be addicted; to be afraid。”
Make up your own phrases to fit your situation。 As you bee expert in
reprogramming; you may be surprised by its effectiveness。 With persistence
and determination; you can reprogram all of your addictions  no matter how
long…standing or how strong they are。
In one Consciousness Focusing session you cannot wipe out all your
undesired programming from the past years because you are usually upset
about only one thing at a time。 You can only reprogram that which is making
you upset here and now。 So talk specifically to yourself only about the
problem that is making you feel bad right now。 Suppose you relied on
someone to help you and he forgot to do what he had agreed to do。 You have
made yourself angry。 Now talk to yourself specifically about that situation: “I
don’t have to feel angry when I feel people aren’t meeting agreements。” “I
don’t need to put myself through all of this turmoil。” “People don’t have to
live up to my models。” “I can enjoy what I do have。”
Talk very precisely to yourself; for the feelings you experience when you are
upset are the feelings that will be programmed in some degree into your
future。 Say things like; “I can reprogram this addiction。 I don’t need to get
uptight over this situation。 It’s just my programming that is making me
uptight。 I can change that programming。 That programming doesn’t serve me
in any way。 I don’t need it for anything。 I don’t need to hold on to that
emotional reaction。 Love is more important。 I am creating this suffering in
my mind。 It’s all in my mind。”
As a way of exploring your suffering (Step 1);
you may wish to consciously play out your old programming。
It is helpful to distinguish between discharging old programming and creating
new programming。 When you consciously relive a disturbing situation and
scream; “I hate you; I hate you!” with the full intention of getting rid of such
garbage from your mind; you are not reinforcing negative programming; you
are freeing yourself from it。 Whenever your ego and rational mind
automatically justify a negative emotion; you tend to perpetuate it。 But when
you re…live a disturbing situation and consciously discharge the emotions for
the purpose of getting rid of them; you help free yourself from the addictive
programming。 Your bioputer may receive new; constructive programming
more readily when the old programming has been consciously run through
and seen as unnecessary。 The conscious discharge of addictive programming
can generate energy that may be useful in getting ready for Consciousness
It may be helpful to re…experience what you were telling yourself that caused
you to generate these separating emotions。 You might have created fear by
telling yourself; “It would be terrible if I failed this exam。” Sorrow might
have been created by telling yourself; “I can’t bear to live without Jane。 I feel
all alone。” Anger is generated by thoughts like; “He has no right to treat me
that way。 Who does he think I am?” You can fully re…live the situation by
expressing all these emotion generating statements with full intensity while at
the same time clearly realizing that you are merely discharging old
programming (like dumping out the garbage)。 The game is to see through it
and develop new and better ways of responding to such situations。
Build up the voltage of your emotional responses。
The effective use of the Method of Consciousness Focusing requires you to
generate the strongest emotions that you can。 Do everything you can to
increase the electrochemical voltage of your emotional response。 Most of
your addictions were programmed into you through suffering and pain。 One
way to reprogram them is to use the tension that is associated with your
stronger feelings。 You may be able to get rid of a strong lifetime addiction in
a short time  if; and only if; you can build up your emotional intensity。 If
you cannot get into your emotions strongly and continuously; it may take
months or years to reprogram the addiction。
Cry as much as possible  for crying helps you to reprogram faster。 Although
crying is not essential; it may be the easiest way to build up the intensity
needed for reprogramming rapidly。 As you cry; keep telling yourself; “I don’t
have to hassle myself with this。 I don’t need separating emotions。 I can be
free of this demand。 I don’t have to hold on。” The longer you cry and focus
your consciousness on eliminating the addiction; the more you will be able to
effectively eliminate the programming that makes you upset with that
particular situation in your life。
It is not necessary to cry in order to reprogram; but it speeds up the process。
Since much of your emotional programming was put into you through shock;
pain; crying; and suffering; remember that it helps to consciously build up
your present pain; crying; and suffering so that you can rapidly wipe out this
Don’t let any person or any of your thoughts cool you down。 Stop only when
you just can’t keep the emotion churning any longer。 It could be helpful to
have someone with you who quietly hears you; but says nothing。 Most
people when they are with someone who is crying will say; “Everything will
be all right。 Let’s dry your tears;” or they suggest some type of diversion。
But this stops you from using the Consciousness Focusing Method to burn
out the unconscious…level programming that is making you suffer。 If you start
doing things; you will be using your senses and rational mind to smother the
problem。 It will temporarily make you feel good but it will leave you in the
grip of your automatic programming when similar situations e up in the
future。 Anyone who is with you should understand what you are doing。 She
or he should simply experience your vibrations and silently encourage you to
cry。 Do everything possible to build up your emotional intensity。 For when
you build up the emotional intensity; you have a great opportunity to
reprogram an addiction so that you no longer get yourself emotionally upset
when certain things happen in the outside world。
Develop the confidence that you can absolutely be the master of
Keep telling yourself that you programmed yourself many years ago and that
you can reprogram that which you programmed。 Remember that you did it all
to yourself。 You are not in the grip of forces beyond your control! It’s all in
your mind。 Through the Method of Consciousness Focusing; you can be the
master of your mind。 You are a perfect being  pure Conscious…awareness。
Your only problem is that you are caught in the grip of too many things that
you are telling yourself you must have to be happy。 You are laying too many
conditions on the outside world that it (and the people in it) cannot possibly
meet。 You are culture…bound。 You have programmed yourself with all these
addictions; demands; and expectations  and you can reprogram yourself。
When you have reprogrammed your addictions; you are free for a lifetime。
All the happiness and the beauty of the world will then be yours。
It doesn’t matter if 
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