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 his great advantage。 A mature trader pulls money through the big hole in the efficient market theory; its presumption that investors and traders are rational human beings。 Most people aren’t; only winners are。
What Is Price?
Each trade represents a transaction between a buyer and a seller who meet face to face; by phone or on the Internet; with or without brokers。 A buyer wants to buy as cheaply as possible。 A seller wants to sell as expensively as possible。 Both feel pressure from the crowd of undecided traders that surrounds them; ready to jump in and snatch away their bargain。
A trade takes place when the greediest buyer; afraid that prices will run away from him; steps up and bids a penny more。 Or the most fearful seller; afraid of getting stuck with his merchandise; agrees to accept a penny less。 Sometimes a fearful seller dumps his merchandise on a calm and disciplined buyer waiting for a trade to e to him。 All trades reflect the behavior of the market crowd。 Each price flashing on your screen represents a momentary consensus of value among market participants。
Fundamental values of panies and modities change slowly; but prices swing all over the lot because the consensus can change quickly。 One of my clients used to say that prices are connected to values with a mile…long rubber band; allowing markets to swing between overvalued and undervalued levels。
The normal behavior of the crowd is to mill around; make noise; and go nowhere。 Once in a while a crowd bees excited and explodes in a rally or a panic; but usually it just wastes time。 Bits of news and rumors send ripples through the crowd; whose shifts leave footprints on our screens。 Prices and indicators reflect changes in crowd psychology。 
When the market gives no clear signals to buy or sell short; many beginners start squinting at their screens; trying to recognize trading signals。 A good signal jumps at you from the chart and grabs you by the face … you can’t miss it! It pays to wait for such signals instead of forcing trades when the market offers you none。 Amateurs look for challenges; professionals look for easy trades。 Losers get high from the action; the pros look for the best odds。
Fast…moving markets give the best trading signals。 When crowds are gripped by emotions; cool traders find their best opportunities to make money。 When markets go flat; many successful traders withdraw; leaving the field to gamblers and brokers。 Jesse Livermore; a great speculator of the twentieth century; used to say that there is time to go long; time to go short; and time to go fishing。
Most people gamble at some point in their lives。 For most it provides entertainment; for some it bees an addiction; while a few bee pros and make a living at it。 Gambling provides a living for a very small minority and entertainment for the masses; but a casual gambler reaching for a quick buck has the same chance of success as an ice cube on a hot stove。
大多数人在一生中或多或少赌博过。大多数情况是为了娱乐, 部分人会上瘾,只有少数专业人士以此为生。极少数人以赌博为生,大多数人以赌博为娱乐。但是赌徒想赚快钱,成功机会和火炉上的冰块一样小。
Some famous investors like betting on horses。 They include Peter Lynch; of Magellan Fund fame; and Warren Buffett; who used to publish a newsletter on handicapping。 My friend Lou; to whom my first book was dedicated; spent several years on the handicapping circuit and bet on horses for a living before buying an exchange seat and approaching financial markets like a cool handicapper。 Some card games; such as baccarat; are based on chance alone; whereas others; such as blackjack; involve a degree of skill that attracts intelligent people。
Professionals treat gambling as a job。 They keep calculating odds and act only when mathematics point in their favor。 Losers; on the other hand; itch for the action and enter one game after another; switching between half…baked systems。
When you gamble for entertainment; follow a set of money management rules。 The first rule is to limit how much you’ll risk in any given session。 On a rare occasion when a friend pulls me into a casino; I put what I am willing to lose that night into my right pocket; and stuff my winnings; if any; into the left one。 I stop playing as soon as my right pocket is empty; without ever reaching into the left。 Once in a while I find more money in the left pocket than I had in my right; but I certainly do not count on it。
A friend who is a successful businessman enjoys the glitter of Las Vegas。 Several times a year he takes 5;000 in cash and flies there for a weekend。 When his bankroll
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